Shocking (and Hopeful) News If You’re Frustrated by Symptoms of “Aging”...


Discover The REAL Reason You’re Bloated, Tired, Have a Low Libido, and Don't feel Like Yourself and the Proven Secret to Reset Your Health in Just 3 Weeks

Reclaim Your Natural State of Health and Well-Being with the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program … the Anti-Inflammatory Program Developed by Integrative Doctors to Restore the Gut Health (Microbiome) and Take Back Your VITALITY

Jennifer Jiménez

Transformational Coach and International Speaker

"The 15 pounds that I was carrying from being a mommy and all 3 of my pregnancies -- that I couldn’t lose -- just released and dropped off effortlessly. … The gassiness and bloating I was experiencing was completely eliminated. … It has been life-changing for me and life-changing for my clients."

~ Dylan McDermott, Actor

 “I have known Dr. Edison De Mello for many years now. He has proven himself to be an outstanding doctor. His knowledge of integrative medicine is second to none. I was looking for an M.D. who understood both western and eastern medicine and I found it in Dr. De Mello. And the thing I trust most about him is that he never gives up until he finds a true answer. In this day and age of charlatans, Doctor Edison De Mello’s integrity shines bright. I trust him with my life.”

As you’ve gotten older and life has become more busy and stressful, have you noticed that
your body and mind aren’t functioning as well as they once did...

And instead, you’re experiencing a host of unpleasant symptoms that leave you wistfully wishing you could just get your old body back?

  • Bloating
  • ​Gas
  • ​Brain Fog
  • ​Poor Sleep
  • ​Constipation
  • ​Diarrhea
  • ​Fatigue
  • ​Memory Loss
  • Body Aches
  • ​Low Libido
  • ​Lowered Immune Response
  • ​Acne
  • ​Food Cravings
  • ​Depression
  • ​Anxiety
  • ​Headaches & Migraines
  • Joint Pains
  • ​Low Energy
  • ​Allergies
  • ​Anger Issues
  • ​Hormone Imbalance
  • ​Menstrual Cramps
  • ​Hair loss & broken ends
  • ​Erectile Dysfunction
  • Decreased Exercise Tolerance
  • ​High risk of diabetes
  • ​Increased risk of dental pain
  • ​Loss of muscle tone
  • ​Bad breath
  • ​Insomnia
  • ​Joint pain
  • ​Weight gain



Brain Fog

Poor Sleep 




Memory Issues

Body Aches 

Low Libido

Lowered Immune Response


Food Cravings



Headaches & Migraines

Joint pains

Low Energy


Anger issues

Hormone imbalance

Menstrual cramps

Hair loss & broken ends

Erectile dysfunction

Decreased exercise tolerance

High risk of diabetes

Increased risk of dental pain and cavities

Loss of muscle tone

Bad breath


Joint pain

Weight Gain

Most people you know probably commiserate and tell you these problems are a normal part of aging. Well, they are NOT!

While most doctors will likely prescribe medication - and may suggest losing some weight...

As integrative physicians, at Akasha, we recognize that these symptoms are not part of getting old or normal - and are not something you should "learn to live with," as traditional medicine suggest.

Symptoms are the language your body uses to let you know that something is not quite right and it needs your attention and help … like when a car’s engine starts knocking or its brakes start to squeak.

In fact, if you’re experiencing 3 or more of these symptoms -- or if any of them are interfering with your ability to fully enjoy life each day -- it’s time for you to treat your body to a “tune up.”

We're hear for you. We can help!

Introducing The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program 

The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program is an anti-inflammatory lifestyle program developed by the integrative doctors at the world-renowned Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine.

The program delivers a simple, step-by-step system for regaining control of your health in just 21 days.

Eliminate inflammation

Reach & maintain your
ideal weight

Gain vital health

By following this 21-day healthy eating protocol, you’ll cool the fire of inflammation that is burning throughout your body, much like a rainstorm can help bring a raging wildfire under control.

Just as periodic tune-ups allow you to improve your car’s performance and address any issues that impact its functioning... The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program  offers you the chance to tweak your body’s functioning and health.

We know that you’ve developed unhealthy habits to survive and cope with modern life. Most people do.

Giving your body a periodic rest from the wear-and-tear of these habits can help you regain control of your health and put you back on track to a happier, healthier, more vibrant life.

And you’ll build several new habits that you can continue to use after this 21-day journey ends to maintain and even continue building your rediscovered sense of vitality and good health. 

Gus, age 16

Gus is a star patient at Akasha and has been kicking butt on our RESET program. We are so proud to have his testimonial on our website, thanks to his mom, Christine!

“I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks from the Akasha RESET program. I am finding myself not as hungry anymore, and I don’t even crave snacks in the evenings like I used to. In the second and third weeks the weight really was melting off. My cardio feels so much better and I feel lighter on the mat, and it felt even that much sweeter to earn my blue belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu during this time. As a 16 year old, I didn’t realize eating healthy could taste and feel this good!”

Strengthen the 6 Pillars of Health … in Just 3 Weeks

Optimal health and aging depends on strength in 6 key areas. By the time you complete the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program, you’ll have achieved - or be well on the path to achieving -- health in these key areas.

Increased Energy

By supporting the gut microbiome (gut bacteria), hormonal balance and sleep, the Akasha 21-Day Reset program stabilizes your blood sugar(glucose) and energy level, both physically and emotionally. You’ll finally have the steady energy you need to live the healthy life you were born to enjoy.

Decreased Inflammation And Pain

Like most people, if you struggle with chronic joint pain and muscle aches, you’re likely experiencing low-grade inflammation. Food can dramatically increase -- or decrease -- inflammation levels. The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program reduces inflammation in your joints, gut and brain.

Optimized Digestion And Elimination

Processed food wreaks havoc on our digestive system, decreasing function and causing bloating and gas. The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program helps change your relationship with food, breaking your addiction to sugar and processed food. It helps you tune into your natural hunger and full cues while also improving your digestion and ELIMINATION.

Balanced Hormones And Better Libido

The gut contains many hormone receptors and is also responsible for metabolizing some hormones. When gut function is impaired, your hormones become imbalanced, impacting libido, mood, and more vital functions of your body. The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program helps strengthen the gut microbiome and improve digestive function, which are essential for better hormonal balance.

Improved Thinking

The brain needs both nutrient-dense whole foods and stable glucose to work optimally well. If you have gut as muscular-skeleta inflammation in your body, which most people do because of our modern diet, you likely have inflammation in your brain. Inflammation creates oxidative stress, which in turn leads to brain fog and memory issues, thus increasing the risk of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Healthier Look

Let’s be honest -- the desire to look good can be a powerful motivator to make needed changes. And you’ll definitely look better after completing the Akasha 21-Day Reset -- Glowing skin, shiny hair, sparkling eyes, an almost palpable sense of vitality and increased libido, overall energy … and even weight loss.

“Lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks on this diet – plus exercise – I have not
been perfect – but pretty close! Thanks!”

Arik P.

A Bit of Advice If Your Only Goal Is to Lose Weight ...

While it’s common for people to try detox programs or cleanses as a way to jumpstart weight loss. The problem of most cleanses and crash diets today is that they often fail to address the root cause of why your system is down, fatigued - and why you aren't operating at your absolute best.

After more than two decades of helping patients to achieve optimal health, here’s what we 've found. When weight loss is your only goal, change is not sustainable. What is needed is a tune-up of your habits and lifestyles.

For healthier habits to stick -- whether for the entire 21 days beyond, you’ll need to dig deeper and tap into a desire for better health. And, we know you to sustain what you have accomplished.

You may initially lose weight, if that's your primary focus. But when people look at their relationship with food, the likelihood that the weight will creep back in - as it does in most crash diets - is significantly decreased. That's one of the goals of our Program: To help you keep your gains by helping you change your habits. 

A Bit of Advice If Your Only Goal Is to Lose Weight ...

It’s common for people to try detox programs or cleanses as a way to jumpstart weight loss. And they generally help.

But after more than two decades of helping clients to achieve optimal health, here’s what we offer if this is your primary motivation: When weight loss is your only goal, change is not sustainable. 

For healthier habits to stick -- whether for the entire 21 days you’ll be following this plan or beyond, if you choose to continue some of these health-supporting new habits -- you’ll need to dig deeper and tap into a desire for better health.

If you’re focused solely on losing weight, you may lose weight (legally, we can’t promise what will happen for you, though most people do lose weight during this program). But it will likely creep back until you approach your relationship with food differently.

The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program will help you do just that.

Why Do I Need to Worry and Do Something Now About Chronic Inflammation?

Through an impressive body of research, today we know that inflammation is the #1 cause of most diseases and imbalances.

Inflammation is a defense mechanism used by the body to recognize and remove harmful stress and disease induced chemicals. It is our body's way of asking for help. 

The word inflammation, which leads to pain, is derived from the Latin word (flame), meaning to set on fire. The cardinal signs of inflammation are

Loss of function

Sound familiar?

Acute inflammation usually starts rapidly, can get severe quickly, and may last only a short time -- such as the fever you experience with a bout of the flu.

However, chronic inflammation is more insidious. It starts slowly, can lead to long lasting-pain and loss of function - and can last for months, if not years, wreaking havoc throughout your body.

Chronic inflammation is the common denominator to every disease -- from simple colds and allergies to diabetes, arthritis, COPD, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program was designed to interrupt this destructive process and give your body a chance to start healing itself.

Why Do I Need to Worry About Chronic Inflammation?

Through an impressive body of research, today we know that inflammation is the #1 cause of most diseases and imbalances.

Inflammation is a defense mechanism used by the human body to recognize and remove harmful and foreign stimuli - and then begin the healing process.
The word inflammation is derived from the Latin word (flame), meaning to set on fire, which leads to pain.

Acute inflammation starts rapidly, gets severe quickly, and lasts only a short time -- such as the fever you experience with a bout of the flu.

But chronic inflammation is more insidious. It starts slowly and can last for months, if not years, wreaking havoc throughout your body.

Chronic inflammation is the common denominator to every disease -- from simple colds and allergies to diabetes, arthritis, COPD, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The Akasha 21-Day Reset Program allows you to interrupt this destructive process and give your body a chance to start healing itself.

Today inflammation like bloating and other disturbing symptoms has grown to epidemic proportions. That’s because the most common causes of inflammation are also the most common aspects of modern life:

  • Fried foods cooked with trans fats and vegetable oils, factory-farmed meats, highly processed/packaged foods, refined carbohydrates/grains, sugars, alcohol, and artificial food additives.
  • Environmental toxins: pesticides/herbicides, brake dust, mold, and harmful chemicals found in many personal care products.
  • Overgrown/unbalanced gut bacteria leading to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and other gut-related diseases.
  • Allergies and food intolerances.
  • Stress and toxic emotions: unhealthy relationships, negative thoughts/feelings.

The Insider Secret to Cooling Inflammation Quickly … 
and Why The Often Preposed “Right Way” Often Fails

The very best way to stop inflammation is to commit completely overhauling your lifestyle… from your stress levels to your environment to your food choices. That's where the 21-Day Program comes in. It teaches you how to do that.

But if you are like most people, you may need help overhauling your lifestyle, your relationship with food, the voices in your head that say you can't.

Yes you can! Start with our simple, yet powerful, lifestyle and better nutrition and elimination 21-day Program. Take a break from your usual eating habits that you know need changing and give your body the rest it needs to restore your gut bacteria, simple carbohydrate and glucose and balance for optimal digestive functioning and elimination.

We’ve distilled everything you need into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program. What could be a difficult journey to compete on your own has been transformed into a reasonable, practical and very powerful experience that could change your health for life.

The Advantage of an Integrative Medicine Approach

The Akasha Center for Integrative Health embodies a new model of healthcare by providing a whole-person approach to comprehensive health and wellness. "We meet our patients before we meet their diseases" - E. de Mello, MD

We recognize each person as already whole and complete in their path of health, spiritual well-being and financial well-being. Our approach to evidence-based integrative medicine is guided by both the ancient wisdom of Eastern medicine and the ever-growing technological advances of Western Medicine.

As integrative medicine practitioners, our focus is on health and healing, rather than disease and treatment. We treat the whole person body, mind and spirit. And we pride ourselves on offering you a "Better way to get better."


Understand how food fuels and impacts your body’s functioning … plus what happens on a cellular level during a cleanse.


Use Mind-Body Nutrition to explore the relationship you have with food … how your mind impacts your digestion, and ways to bring balance.


Learn new ways to move and support your body to better convert your food to energy, move more easily, and stay healthy.

Where conventional medicine tends to rely heavily on technological solutions and medications to treat symptoms, we view symptoms as the language your body is using to communicate tell you what it needs.

This holistic approach to wellness is woven through the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program. You’ll discover proven self-care practices to nurture yourself during this journey … insights into what’s happening in your body at a cellular level … powerful hacks to supercharge your metabolism … and more.

Our team of board-certified integrative medical doctors collaborated to create the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program. The program was engineered with the support of naturopathic and Chinese medicine doctors, nutritionists, and nurses with decades of experience in Integrative Medicine.


While your nutritional products supplements are on the way... download the Quick Start Guide, start watching the lessons, plan your meals, and slightly modify your eating to prepare your body and mind.

21-Day Reset

Follow the doctor-designed Reset Protocol, complete with medical foods and nutritional supplements specifically formulated to support your body during its anti-inflammatory detox.


Ease back to your everyday life armed with new knowledge and health-supporting habits to help you continue to feel - and look -- great.

How the Program Works

We know that this 3-week program

requires a serious commitment on your part. We honor this commitment by making sure you are medically supervised, nutritionally supported, and most importantly, guided throughout each step to allow your experience to be greatly beneficial to your health and wellbeing.

You Pick the Type of Journey You Want to Take

You get to choose from 2 versions of the Akasha 21-Day Reset program.

Both options last 21 days - the minimum time needed to establish new habits and start to create healing within your gut microbiome. What differs is how intense your cleanse will be -- and how much detoxification and gut health restoration will occur.

Advanced Cleanse

  • Your daily shake is a complete and nourishing meal on its own.
  • ​Designed for maximum results and rapid detoxing.
  • Recommended if you’ve done a cleanse before and/or want to make the most of your 21-day commitment.

Essential Cleanse

  • We recommend supplementing your shake with healthy greens and fiber-rich foods for additional detox support.
  • ​Designed for noticeable results and a slower, but steadier, detoxing.
  • Recommended if you prefer more traditional meals, a slower-paced cleanse, or have a limited budget.

Check This Special Offer Below

What You Receive

Akasha 21-Day Reset Advanced Cleanse

 Quick Start Guide downloadable PDF and printed guide - a $50 value

 Video Lessons from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists - a $550 value

 Video Lessons from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists - a $550 value

 Ultracleanse Plus medical food to support metabolic detoxification and liver health -- a $111.25 value per container

 Flora Plus dairy-free probiotics to balance intestinal bacteria, optimize the biome and enhance digestion, elimination and hormonal balance - A $46.75 value

 Digestazyme digestive enzymes to improve digestion, better convert nutrients to energy, and reduce bloating - a $33.75 Value

 Planning Tools and Templates - a $150 value:

  • 21-Day Reset Meal Template
  • Food Do’s and Don’ts 
  • Popular recipes from the Akasha kitchen
  • Daily meal planning guide
  • 10 Mind-Body Practices for an Integrative Reset 
  • ​ Reset Grocery Shopping List

 AdvaCleanse “cleanse-in-a-capsule” formula for extra detoxification and gut-health support - a $58 value

 Candi-free berberine hydrochloride formula to support detoxification and gut health - a $51.75 value

 Akasha Greens superfood complex to energize, cleanse and nourish the gut - a $89 value

 Chia seeds to promote good bacteria, stabilize blood sugar and regulate bowel movements - a $12 value

 Weekly Health Coaching Support with our highly trained health coaching team - a $525 value

 Chia seeds to promote good bacteria, stabilize blood sugar and regulate bowel movements - a $12 value

Total Value


Last Price


 Your Total Investment  Today 

What You Receive

Akasha 21-Day Reset Essential Cleanse

 Quick Start Guide downloadable PDF and printed guide - a $50 value

 Video Lessons from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists - a $550 value

 Video Lessons from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists - a $550 value

 Ultracleanse Plus medical food to support metabolic detoxification and liver health -- a $111.25 value per container

 Flora Plus dairy-free probiotics to balance intestinal bacteria, optimize the biome and enhance digestion, elimination and hormonal balance - A $46.75 value

 Digestazyme digestive enzymes to improve digestion, better convert nutrients to energy, and reduce bloating - a $33.75 Value

 Planning Tools and Templates - a $150 value:

  • 21-Day Reset Meal Template
  • Food Do’s and Don’ts 
  • Popular recipes from the Akasha kitchen
  • Daily meal planning guide
  • 10 Mind-Body Practices for an Integrative Reset 
  • ​ Reset Grocery Shopping List

 AdvaCleanse “cleanse-in-a-capsule” formula for extra detoxification and gut-health support - a $58 value

Last Price


Last Price


 Your Total Investment  Today 

Check This Special Offer Below

What You Receive

Akasha 21-Day Reset
Advanced Cleanse

Akasha 21-Day Reset Essential Cleanse

Quick Start Guide downloadable PDF and printed guide - a $50 value

Online Platform with Videos &  Educational Material from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists + Planning Tools and Templates

  • Educative videos from our doctors
  • ​Reset Meal Template
  • ​Foods to include and exclude List 
  • ​Popular recipes from the Akasha kitchen
  • ​Daily meal planning guide
  • ​Boost your detox
  • ​​Mind-Body Practices for an Integrative Reset ​ 
  • ​Planning Tools for meals and shopping
  • ​Intermittent Fasting and more…

 - a $716 value

Ultracleanse Plus medical food to support metabolic detoxification and liver health -- a $111.25 value per container

Flora Plus dairy-free probiotics to balance intestinal bacteria, optimize the biome and enhance digestion, elimination and hormonal balance - A $46.75 value

Digestazyme digestive enzymes to improve digestion, better convert nutrients to energy, and reduce bloating - a $32.75 Value

Liver Detox supplement to support Phase 1 and Phase 2 liver detoxification. - a $33.75 value

AdvaCleanse “cleanse-in-a-capsule” formula for extra detoxification and gut-health support - a $58 value

Candi-free berberine hydrochloride formula to support detoxification and gut health - a $51.75 value

Akasha Greens superfood complex to energize, cleanse and nourish the gut - a $89 value

Chia seeds to promote good bacteria, stabilize blood sugar and regulate bowel movements - a $12 value

Weekly Health Coaching Support with our highly trained health coaching team - a $525 value

Total Value



List Price



Take a Closer Look at What You’ll Receive
(Hint: It’s More Than Powders and Supplements)

When you enroll in the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program, you’ll receive much more than a few bottles of supplements and powdered drinks, as most programs offer. 

 The Essential Cleanse includes: 

  • Quick Start Guide, available as a downloadable PDF and printed booklet. This handy guide contains a summary of the key lessons from the program, eating guidelines, checklists and more. Keep it handy to keep you on course. (A $50 Value)
  • ​Video Lessons from the Akasha Center Integrative Medicine Specialists. Short and content-rich, these videos offer the same education and guidance you would receive if you were a client at our clinic. You’ll explore Mind-Body Nutrition, Dynamic Eating Psychology, integrative practices to boost your cleanse, how meditation and massage can help make your experience easier and more effective, what happens to your body during a detox and how your supplements and nutritional products support this process, and much more. (A $550 Value)
  • High-Quality, Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Products and Powerful Supplements to Support Liver Function, Gut Microbiome Health, and Digestion, including: including:
  • Ultracleanse Plus, a medical food designed to support metabolic detoxification and liver health.This hypoallergenic detox powder contains vitamins, minerals & herbs and is safe for long-term use in individuals with chronic exposure to toxins. (A $111.25 Value)
  • Liver detox supplement to support Phase 1 and Phase 2 liver detoxification. It contains extracts of powerful antioxidant herbs, such as milk thistle, dandelion, yellow dock, and grape root. (A $33.75 Value)
  • Flora Plus dairy-free probiotics support gut health and digestion by balancing intestinal bacteria, optimizing the microbiome and enhancing digestion, elimination and hormonal balance. (A $46.75 Value)
  • ​Digestazyme digestive enzymes improve digestion by helping to break down proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. By aiding the conversion of nutrients to energy, this supplement will help you enjoy more energy and reduce bloating. (A $65.50 Value)
  • Weekly Health Coaching Support. You’ll receive support from our highly trained integrative health coaches via a 10- to 15-minute phone call each week. We’ll help you adjust the program, if needed, to target any specific issues you may be experiencing, as well as answer any questions you have. We know that participating in this 21-day program is a commitment - and we are here to support you! (A $750 Value)
  • ​​Handy Planning Tools (A $150 Value) to simplify your life and make sticking to this plan easier, including:
  • 21-Day Reset Meal Template -- Make 3 simple choices for an endless array of delicious meals
  • ​Clear-cut instructions about what foods to eat - and what to skip for the next 3 weeks -- in 10 common categories
  • Popular recipes from the Akasha kitchen … tasty, nourishing meals to support your body during this deep detox
  • ​Daily meal planning guide. The more you plan your meals, the easier you’ll find it is to stay within the eating guidelines for the entire 3 weeks
  • 10 Mind-Body Practices for an Integrative Reset - Use these to cultivate a more compassionate and supportive relationship with yourself while detoxing your body
  • Reset Grocery Shopping List … a handy checklist of all foods you’re encouraged to load up on during this health-restoring program.

The Advanced Cleanse includes:

  • Everything included in the Essential Reset Program PLUS
  • ​​AdvaClear, which is the equivalent of our Ultracleanse medical food delivered in capsule form -- a convenient way to deliver an extra boost for metabolic detoxification and liver health (A $58 Value)
  • Candi-free, a proprietary blend of Chinese tonic herbs, berberine hydrochloride, and premium extracts of Coptis and Indian Barberry Root, which encourages the body to purge unwanted toxic compounds and then support a healthy microbial balance and a healthy intestinal environment. (A $51.75 Value)
  • Akasha Greens is an organic green food that energizes, cleanses, and nourishes the gut. It includes vitamins, minerals and algae omega 3 fused with powerful superfoods and plays a fantastic role in elimination, which is critical when detoxing. (A $89 Value)
  • Chia seeds are a nutrient-dense source of fiber for your morning smoothies. In addition to promoting good bacteria, chia seeds help to stabilize blood sugar and regulate bowel movements. (A $19 Value)
  • Weekly Health Coaching Support. You’ll receive support from our highly trained integrative health coaches via a 10- to 15-minute phone call each week. We’ll help you adjust the program, if needed, to target any specific issues you may be experiencing, as well as answer any questions you have. We know that participating in this 21-day program is a commitment - and we are here to support you! (A $750 Value)

The Same Program We Prescribe to Patients … 
From the Comfort of Your Own Home 

When we’re working with patients 1:1 at the Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine,
the Advanced version of this 21-day anti-inflammatory detox program is often
prescribed as part of our treatment protocol.

We’ve witnessed our patients undergo dramatic transformation and we
want to put these tools in the hands of anyone who is serious about
resetting their health, restoring their gut microbiome, and getting
inflammation under control.

Now you can get access to the same carefully formulated and time-proven
system from the comfort of your own home - with the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program.

Clients routinely invest $5,000 or more and even travel hours to work privately
with our acclaimed staff. They’re happy to do so … because they know, and
sometimes have experienced firsthand, the steep price you can pay when
inflammation gets out of hand.

The Same Program We Prescribe to Patients … 
From the Comfort of Your Own Home 

When we’re working with patients 1:1 at the Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine, the Advanced version of this 21-day anti-inflammatory detox program is often prescribed as part of our treatment protocol.

We’ve witnessed our patients undergo dramatic transformation and we want to put these tools in the hands of anyone who is serious about
resetting their health, restoring their gut microbiome, and getting inflammation under control.

Now you can get access to the same carefully formulated and time-proven system from the comfort of your own home - with the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program.

Clients routinely invest $5,000 or more and even travel hours to work privately with our acclaimed staff. They’re happy to do so … because they know, and sometimes have experienced firsthand, the steep price you can pay when inflammation gets out of hand.

But you’ll invest a fraction of that price

The regular price for the Akasha 21-Day Reset -- Advanced Cleanse all of the meal replacements, nutritional products, high-quality supplements, education, and personalized, private support is $725.

But during our launch of this new program, you can enroll for just $447 that’s an
instant savings of 30 percent.

If you prefer the Essential Cleanse, you’ll also save 30 percent,
investing just $247.

And whether you pick the Essential Cleanse or the Advanced Cleanse, you’ll be able to take advantage of our convenient installment plan. This breaks your already low investment into two easy installments (one today, and the second in 30 days). 

Your Delight Is Guaranteed

Enroll in the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program now, and take the next 7 days to go through the first week of the program. Watch the educational videos, meet with your health coach, and follow the eating plan we’ve created to prepare you for the full 21-day anti-inflammatory detox program. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, simply return your unopened nutritional products and supplements for a refund (less shipping and handling).

Your Delight Is Guaranteed

Enroll in the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program now, and take the next 7 days to go through the first week of the program. Watch the educational videos, meet with your health coach, and follow the eating plan we’ve created to prepare you for the full 21-day anti-inflammatory detox program. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, simply return your unopened nutritional products and supplements for a refund (less shipping and handling).

Rave Reviews About the Akasha Clinic
and Founder Dr. Edison De Mello’s New Book, Bloated?


What Would You Give to Feel and Look More Like Your Old Self?

Pause for a moment and think about how your health -- and how you feel -- has changed over the past 5 years.

If you’re like most people, the change has been dramatic. The fatigue, aches and pains, gas, bloating, weight gain, brain fog and other symptoms you’re experiencing are not simply a part of aging that you must accept.

These symptoms are all signs that your gut microbiome is out of balance - and that you’re experiencing chronic inflammation as a result.
You now have a choice…

Do nothing and continue living as you’ve been doing … knowing that inflammation will continue wreaking havoc with your body. You may well experience a worsening of symptoms and even end up with more serious diseases as a result.

Or take the simple action of giving your body a much-needed break by enrolling in the Akasha 21-Day Reset Program. Detox your system, cool the fires of inflammation, rebuild your gut microbiome, and break the grip of our modern lifestyle on your body and life.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Will this cleanse help me lose weight?

Yes. You can achieve weight loss by eliminating high-calorie, refined, nutrient-poor foods and consuming the foods recommended on this cleanse. Exercise helps to burn extra calories. If your goal is to lose weight, limit grains and nuts.

 What if I get hungry?

First, ask yourself if you are really hungry. Often we are consumed with a desire to eat because of routine or social situations rather than because of true hunger. When you feel hungry or get the urge to eat, do nothing at first.

Be aware of the feeling and ask yourself-what am I feeling? Where do I feel the hunger? Ask yourself if you are bored or anxious? Often times the hunger feeling passes without any food being consumed. If your hunger is real, listen and honor your body, and have a snack, shake or meal.

 Can I snack?

If you are hungry, you may snack. Consider: carrots and hummus, apples with almonds, blueberries, raspberries, celery or cucumber. You may also have a scoop of an Akasha Naturals protein powder with water.

 Will I have a Detox reaction?

Headaches are common the first few days of cleansing, especially if you are a coffee drinker. Do not take medication.

Your headache will pass. Drink a large glass of water and consider taking a nap, getting a massage, having acupuncture, going for a walk or taking an Epson salt bath. You may notice increase fatigue during the first few days as well. If this happens, consider one of the above recommendations, drink more water and do not push yourself to exercise.

 What if am tired or lack energy beyond the first week of the cleanse?

You may need to increase your protein intake – please contact your physician.

 Should I continue with my regular supplements?

It is usually not necessary. The shakes and recommended supplements are comprehensive and will provide everything you need.

 What should I do if I get constipated?

You should be having at least 1-bowel movement a day. If you are not, make sure you are drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day, exercising and eating plenty of high fiber foods such as vegetables and fruit.

 Can I continue with the shakes after the cleanse?

Absolutely! You may also want to experiment with other protein powders such as Akasha Naturals InflaCleanse, Vital Meal, UltraCleanse.

 Buying organic is expensive. Are there certain foods that are naturally less toxic and OK to buy non-organic?

Certain produce are sprayed with more pesticides than others. At your Quick Start Guide, we listed the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, known as the dirty dozen and Clean 15 list.


The Akasha Reset Program was developed by a Multidisciplinary team of Integrative doctors and other
healthcare practitioners to support you through this journey!

Edison de Mello, MD, PhD

Founder, Director of Men’s Clinic & Chief Medical Officer

Envisioned as a “healing sanctuary,” the Akasha Center exemplifies Dr. de Mello’s vision and strong commitment to the practice of integrative medicine. His goal is to help every patient get the best out of the integration of science-proven approaches to medicine, drawing from both the technological advances of the West and the ancient wisdom of the East… Learn More

Maggie Ney, ND​

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Maggie Ney is a licensed, board-certified naturopathic doctor and co-director of the Women’s Clinic at Akasha. She specializes in female hormone balancing and healthy aging. In addition to being a bio-identical hormone specialist, she addresses the root causes of PMS, menstrual irregularity, infertility, fibrocystic breast syndrome and PCOS.... Learn More

Anita Avalos

Certified Eating Psychology Coach

Anita is a Holistic Health Coach. After ditching her own diet mentality and healing her struggles with body image, Anita finally found peace and freedom with food and her body, living a life fueled by Pleasure, not deprivation.

Danél Lombard, MPT, PhD, E-RYT

Integrative Physical Therapist

Danél Lombard is a licensed physical therapist on a mission to help her patients live pain-free. Her passion is to help people optimize the musculoskeletal mechanism of their bodies utilizing both the scientifically proven techniques of physical therapy and the... Learn More

Kevin Kunkel, MA, CMT, CYT, LMFT

Somatic Therapist

Integrating the healing of the body and mind, Kevin is a Somatic Therapist, Certified Massage Therapist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He has also taught breath work, yoga, and meditation for the past 15 years... Learn More

Yi Qiao, LAc., OMD

Acupuncture and Chinese
Herbal Medicine

In 1987, Yi Qiao completed six years of training and received her medical degree from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the most prestigious TCM schools in the world. She passed her California... Learn More

Bren Boston, MD

Integrative Wellness and Women’s Care

Dr. Bren Boston, a board-certified physiatrist with a life-long interest in integrative wellness specializes in primary care, women’s health, sports medicine and pain management. She is passionate about taking the time to evaluate and support all aspects of her patient life: The physical, nutritional, emotional as well as... Learn More

Gina Galvez, M.S., PA-C

Integrative Physician Assistant & Wellness Coach

Gina Galvez, MS, PA-C is a Physician Assistant Lifestyle coach specializing in integrative and functional medicine. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and biology, followed by a master’s degree in Physician Assistant... Learn More


The Akasha Reset Program was developed by a Multidisciplinary team of Integrative doctors and other
healthcare practitioners to support you through this journey!

Edison de Mello, MD, PhD

Founder, Director of Men’s Clinic & Chief Medical Officer

Envisioned as a “healing sanctuary,” the Akasha Center exemplifies Dr. de Mello’s vision and strong commitment to the practice of integrative medicine. His goal is to help every patient get the best out of the integration of science-proven approaches to medicine, drawing from both the technological advances of the West and the ancient wisdom of the East… Learn More

Maggie Ney, ND​

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Maggie Ney is a licensed, board-certified naturopathic doctor and co-director of the Women’s Clinic at Akasha. She specializes in female hormone balancing and healthy aging. In addition to being a bio-identical hormone specialist, she addresses the root causes of PMS, menstrual irregularity, infertility, fibrocystic breast syndrome and PCOS.... Learn More

Anita Avalos

Certified Eating Psychology Coach

Anita is a Holistic Health Coach. After ditching her own diet mentality and healing her struggles with body image, Anita finally found peace and freedom with food and her body, living a life fueled by Pleasure, not deprivation.

Danél Lombard, MPT, MA, E-RYT

Integrative Physical Therapist

Danél Lombard is a licensed physical therapist on a mission to help her patients live pain-free. Her passion is to help people optimize the musculoskeletal mechanism of their bodies utilizing both the scientifically proven techniques of physical therapy and the... Learn More

Kevin Kunkel, MA, CMT, CYT, LMFT

Somatic Therapist

Integrating the healing of the body and mind, Kevin is a Somatic Therapist, Certified Massage Therapist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He has also taught breath work, yoga, and meditation for the past 15 years... Learn More

Edison de Mello, MD, PhD

Acupuncture and Chinese
Herbal Medicine

In 1987, Yi Qiao completed six years of training and received her medical degree from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the most prestigious TCM schools in the world. She passed her California... Learn More

Bren Boston, MD

Integrative Wellness and Women’s Care

Dr. Bren Boston, a board-certified physiatrist with a life-long interest in integrative wellness specializes in primary care, women’s health, sports medicine and pain management. She is passionate about taking the time to evaluate and support all aspects of her patient life: The physical, nutritional, emotional as well as... Learn More

Gina Galvez, M.S., PA-C

Integrative Family Medicine and Sexology

Gina Galvez, MS, PA-C is a Physician Assistant Lifestyle coach specializing in integrative and functional medicine. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and biology, followed by a master’s degree in Physician Assistant... Learn More

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